Results – Past Years

2024 Buckwheat International Ski Classic Results
Overall Results by Distance – Category Results by Gender ; also see Zone4 Electronic Results (includes race filtering tools). Thanks to all 275 registered skiers and all our wonderful volunteers!
2024 RACE: Buckwheat Odyssey – Monsters, Myths & Mischief. SPECIAL AWARDS:Best Costume – Cole Digel, Whitehorse (The Centaur); Des Duncan Award (Volunteer of the Year): Nicole Kovacs, Skagway; John Briner Award (Enthusiastic and Committed Skier) Amy Nye, Juneau; Miss Buckwheat: Madeline Bennett Brooker, Skagway; LCSS MemberWinner of Skis: Natalka Luciuk, Whitehorse. Special thanks to Beth and Jim Hawkings and crew for organizing the new timing chips from Whitehorse Cross Country Ski Club (all were returned!)

2023 Buckwheat International Ski Classic Results
Results by Category – 32K Split Times
2023 RACE: PURE SKI-MAGINATION! The 36th annual race was back to ‘normal’ with a Willy Wonka themed event that drew over 280 participants on 32K, 16K, 10K and 5K courses: Best Costume – Cole Digel of Whitehorse who skied the 32K as the Everlasting Gobstopper; Des Duncan Award (Volunteer): Sam Best for grooming trails for LCSS Ski Club and Buckwheat; John Briner Award (Enthusiastic and Committed) John Hinrichs former LCSS board member for traveling from his new home in Washington to help us this year; Ms Buckwheat: Sophie Schindler; LCSS Member Winner of Skis: Jill Pangman from Whitehorse.

2022 Buckwheat International Ski Classic Results
BISC 2022 Results by Category • BISC 2022 Split Results by Category-25km
2022 RACE: TOGA, TOGA, TOGA! The 35th Buckwheat International Ski Classic was a lower-key event held on Saturday March 12, 2022 at Log Cabin, BC. Still, we had 199 skiers register! Results links posted below. We were in full attack mode for the next frat house Greek letter COVID variant. See photos on Facebook! SPECIAL AWARDS: Des Duncan Award for outstanding volunteer – Aric Baldwin; John Briner Award for most inspirational skier(s): Juneau Nordic Ski Club; Best Costume Award: Jani Djokic, Harriet Stanford, Vivienne Steele, Kristine McNaughton of Whitehorse (win weekend at Upper Lake Cabin and helicopter ride, sponsored by Skagway Rec. Center and Temsco); Miss Buckwheats 2022 – Anika and Mikayla Kramer.
2021 – There was no race due to COVID-19 restrictions, but Skagway residents gathered for a ski, games, and party on Lower Dewey Lake. The climax was the burning in effigy of a huge COVID-19 molecule made of spruce!

2020 Buckwheat International Ski Classic Results
Thanks everyone who made this a great race! Beautiful day on the Log Cabin Ski Trails. We had 263 registered for our Saturday, March 7, 2020 event, dedicated to the memory of our founder Buckwheat Donahue. “Keep on Howling!” Photos now posted on our Facebook page and in our Gallery. CONGRATS SPECIAL AWARD WINNERS: John Briner Award for Most Inspirational Skier – Carl Johansen (he brought 2 friends from New Zealand with 5 bottles of Buckwheat’s favourite ‘Kaitaiya’ hot sauce); Des Duncan Volunteer Appreciation Award – Andy Beierly and Si Dennis Jr. (two long-time pre-race breakfast cooks); Miss Buckwheat 2020 – Eva Mandeville (thanks to Jean Worley for making the crown and sash); Best Costume Winner – Amanda Mouchet (she sewed several BISC shirts together into a full body suit and won a trip to the Upper Lake cabin via Temsco Helicopter with a free stay courtesy of Skagway Rec. Center and food catered by Packer Expeditions); LCSS Member Award Drawing – Christian Schmidt (pair of Atomic skis from The Mountain Shop); and special thanks to Stuart Brown who had the high bid of $400 for a Handmade Quilt by Christine Baldwin, and to everyone who made donations large and small on the memorial money tree for Buckwheat and wrote tributes for BW. All donations go toward our Warming Hut Fund.
2019 Results
No Race, no 2019 results – Theme: “Alice in Wonderland” – We had a great day on the Log Cabin Ski Trails. As we had only a limited number of trails available due to a very warm week leading up to the race, there was no race, but it was a classic. We registered 344 people for the race, which wasn’t cancelled until the day before, but about 300 people turned out to have a great time at our Cheshire Cat Castle and down in Skagway after the event. We had no timing or results but we did give out our SPECIAL AWARDS: Miss Buckwheat 2019 – Azure Dominique; Best “Alice in Winterland” Costume – The Caterpillar skiing couple, Brian Gabs and Karen Routledge from Calgary, Alberta, winners of an Upper Dewey Lake cabin weekend courtesy of Skagway Rec. Centre, Temsco Helicopters and Packer Expeditions; Des Duncan Award – Beth and Jim Hawkings, our stellar volunteer chief timers who got to come out and celebrate at the aid station this year; John Briner Award – Patrick Sack and family, who skied out to our aid station and camped all week and helped us build our castle with smiles on their faces, and then skied with us on Saturday.
2018 Results
View ResultsSpecial Awards:
- Des Duncan Award for volunteerism and sportsmanship – Cory Thole (who gave up his award in 2009) and race founder Buckwheat Donahue (who is moving from Skagway to Wasilla after this race). He earned a standing ovation and a mighty HOWL!!!
- Miss Buckwheat 2018 – Scarlett O’Boyle;
- Best Costume for Buckwheat 0032: Live and Let Ski! – The Martini Girl, Ellen Beilawski of Whitehorse (wins trip to Upper Lake Cabin via Temsco helicopter with food catered by Mountain Shop);
- Father Mouchet Award for most inspirational skier – Stephanie Dixon of Whitehorse (former Paralympian from the Yukon who skied the 10K);
2017 Results
View Results2017 Special Award Winners:
• Des Duncan Award (volunteer appreciation): Gary Hanson and Nola Cole, two of our earliest volunteers who pioneered the festive aid station that we love today!
• Father Mouchet Award (most inspirational skier): The Juneau trio of Chas Dense, Cristi Herren and Carol Ackerson, who have been coming to the Buckwheat for decades now with the mission of just having a great time on the course. This year they were dressed up at Thing 2, Thing 13, and Wild Thing.
• Best Costume Award: Todd Bailey of Skagway had the most creative costume among the many great Seussical characters (Who’s, Things, Loraxes, Cats, Grinches). Todd topped them all by skiing the 10K as a complete Dr. Seuss book: “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” on one side and “One Fish, Two Fish…”, in honor of our theme this year. He wins the package of a weekend at the Upper Dewey Lake cabin courtesy of the Skagway Rec. Center, with helicopter shuttle from Temsco and catering for up to 4 people by Packer Expeditions.
• Miss Buckwheat 2017: Izzy Wagner, infant daughter of race sponsors Kristin and Phillip Wagner, received her crown and sash donated by Skagway seamstress Jean Worley
• LCSS Member Drawing Top Prize: Set of Atomic skis donated by the Mountain Shop: Cara Cosgrove of Skagway.
2016 Official Race Results
Congrats to our 2016 Special Award Winners:
Des Duncan Award (volunteer appreciation): Jeremy Simmons of Skagway, the “scotch man” in the kilts at our Aid Station and a dedicated volunteer.
Father Mouchet Award (most inspirational skier): Former Skagway resident Marcel Jolley and family of Camas, Wash. who come back the the Buckwheat every year.
Best Costume Award: Curtis Brock of Spruce Grove, Alberta, whose Wookie costume was the biggest and certainly the furriest of a great number of costumes for our “Ski Wars: May the Wax Be with You” theme . Kudos also to all the Darth Vader, Princess Leas, Queens, Droids, Storm Troopers, and Ewoks! Curtis wins the package of a weekend at the Upper Dewey Lake cabin courtesy of the Skagway Rec. Center, with helicopter shuttle from Temsco and catering by Packer Expeditions.
Miss Buckwheat 2016: Anika Thole, one-year-old daughter of race volunteers Cory and Mary Thole, received her crown and sash and a special blanket donated by Skagway seamstress Jean Worley
LCSS Member Drawing Top Prize: Set of Atomic skis donated by the Mountain Shop: Natalka Luciuk of Whitehorse. Cristi Herren of Juneau and Scott Logan of Skagway also were awarded free entries for next year’s race.
Congrats to our 2015 Special Award Winners:
Des Duncan Award (volunteer appreciation): Paul Reichert of Skagway, who leads our aid station crew year after year
Father Mouchet Award (most inspirational skier): The kids from Team Quebec!
Best Costume Award: Jill Delaney, whose Three-Eyed Raven costume was the most creative amongst a great number of costumes for our “Winter is Coming, John Snow” theme . Kudos also to Dany the dragon lady and her entourage, and all the other dragon skiers. It was magical.
Miss Buckwheat 2015: Emerlee Jared, the first daughter of a Miss Buckwheat, Kaitlyn Surdyk, who was proposed to by Colten Jared the same night right after the crowning of their daughter.
LCSS Member Drawing Top Prize: Set of Atomic skis donated by the Mountain Shop: John Briner.
Congrats to our 2014 Special Award Winners:
Des Duncan Award (volunteer appreciation): Matt O’Boyle who was an exemplary trail crew member this year.
Father Mouchet Award (most inspirational skier): Joel Luet, who assisted trail crew setting track till 9 p.m. the night before the race and then skied 25K on race day.
Best Costume Award: Sunshine Giesbrecht, whose “Rocket Girl” costume was the most creative of the bunch. Kudos also to the Polar Bear and the Clown Girl. All can be seen in Andrew Cremata’s photo album on our Facebook page.
Miss Buckwheat 2014: Klover Cinocco of Skagway.
Drawing Winners: LCSS Member Drawing for set of Atomic skis donated by the Mountain Shop: Meagan Deuwng; 50/50 for our Warming Hut Fund: Sean Layton pocketed $610.
2013 Buckwheat Ski Classic Final Results
Congrats to Des Duncan Award recipient Katherine Nelson of the Skagway Rec. Center, and to our four-month old Miss Buckwheat 2013, Isabella Plant of Whitehorse!
2012 Buckwheat Ski Classic Final Results
Des Duncan Award for Volunteer Service and Sportsmanship: Mike Konsler, Skagway. Miss Buckwheat 2012: Mina Yee, Skagway.
For past BSC results from visit The Skagway News or Whitehorse Star archives. We will try to set up a History page in the future.